The Faculty seeks to be a source of progress and excellence in the field of physical education and sports by raising the scientific and research level, and to occupy a distinguished position in the educational...


The Faculty seeks to Prepare a qualified scientific cadres that have the ability to cope with the needs and requirements of the labor market by keeping pace with modern scientific and technological...


The Faculty of Physical Education seeks to prepare specialists in the field of physical education to work in various community institutions in one of the following fields: School sports...


List of Candidates for Faculty of Physical Education Deanship

List of Candidates for Faculty of Physical Education Deanship

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Prof.Dr.Gamal Soussa, Benha University President and the head of Leaders Selection Committee announced that list of candidates for faculty of Physical Education deanship after closing appeals door is as following;
Prof.Dr.Osama Salah Fouad Mohamed
Prof.Dr. Khalid Saeed El Naby Ibrahim Siam
Prof.Dr.Tamer Hussein Mohamed
Prof.Dr.Yasser Mahfouz Attwa
Prof.Dr.Mohamed Saad Abd El Moaty
Benha University President announced that appeals application is going to be for only one day, 31102021 at the office of Benha University Vice President for Education and Students Affairs.

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