The Faculty seeks to be a source of progress and excellence in the field of physical education and sports by raising the scientific and research level, and to occupy a distinguished position in the educational...


The Faculty seeks to Prepare a qualified scientific cadres that have the ability to cope with the needs and requirements of the labor market by keeping pace with modern scientific and technological...


The Faculty of Physical Education seeks to prepare specialists in the field of physical education to work in various community institutions in one of the following fields: School sports...


El Maghraby Confirms on the Speed of Declaring Exams' Results

El Maghraby Confirms on the Speed of Declaring Exams' Results

Prof. Dr Hussein El Maghraby, the University Vice-president for Education and Students' Affairs confirms in his meeting with the Faculties deputies of Education and students affairs on the speed of declaring exams' results at all faculties and to review and check it accurately. He also discussed with them the submitted recommendation of the Supreme Council of the Universities about adapting the electronic correction system at Faculty of Law to solve the problem of results' delay because of students' density


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