The Faculty seeks to be a source of progress and excellence in the field of physical education and sports by raising the scientific and research level, and to occupy a distinguished position in the educational...


The Faculty seeks to Prepare a qualified scientific cadres that have the ability to cope with the needs and requirements of the labor market by keeping pace with modern scientific and technological...


The Faculty of Physical Education seeks to prepare specialists in the field of physical education to work in various community institutions in one of the following fields: School sports...


The supreme council of the Universities honors Benha University president

The supreme council of the Universities honors Benha University president

The supreme council of the Universities honors, in its meeting today, Prof.Dr. Gamal Sosa, Benha University president in the presence of Prof.Dr. Ayman Ashour, the minister of higher education and scientific research for the end of his service as a University president at the end of the current month. He is honored in appreciation of his exerted efforts in developing the university and the Egyptian higher educational system. The council heaps praise on his accomplishments at various levels in Benha University which enhances the international ranking of the university and supports its efforts in serving the community.

BU president honors the participants of the administrative quality management system

BU president honors the participants of the administrative quality management system

Prof.Dr. Gamal Sosa, BU president honors the faculties’ members, the University secretary-general, the assistant secretary-generals and the employees who participate in the administrative quality management system in the presence of Prof.Dr. Tamer Samir, the vice president of educational and students affairs, Prof.Dr. EL-Sayed Fouda, the vice president of community service and environment development, Prof.Dr. Abdel Kader Abdel Karim, the coordinator of the administrative quality management system, Ms. Shreen Shawkay, the university secretary-general, the assistant secretary-generals, several general managers and the employees.

During the meeting, the University president heaps praise on the efforts of the faculties’ members and white collar system who participate in the administrative quality management system who do their best to enhance the quality of administrative work in Benha University.

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