The Faculty seeks to be a source of progress and excellence in the field of physical education and sports by raising the scientific and research level, and to occupy a distinguished position in the educational...


The Faculty seeks to Prepare a qualified scientific cadres that have the ability to cope with the needs and requirements of the labor market by keeping pace with modern scientific and technological...


The Faculty of Physical Education seeks to prepare specialists in the field of physical education to work in various community institutions in one of the following fields: School sports...


BU president heaps praise on the University’s diverse sectors in developing the institutional performance

BU president heaps praise on the University’s diverse sectors in developing the institutional performance

BU council holds its meeting, under the presidency of Prof.Dr. Gamal Sosa, BU president, in the presence of Prof.Dr. Nasser EL-Gizaway, the vice president of post-graduate studies and scientific research, Prof.Dr. Tamer Samir, the vice president of educational and students affairs, Prof.Dr. EL-Sayed Fouda, the vice president of community service and environment development, the faculties’ deans, the council members. BU president begins his speech by thanking the University’s diverse sectors for their exerted efforts in 2022 asserting that the university has developed with regard to many aspects by providing a great environment of learning and the scientific research for all students and magnifying the partnership with the local and the regional communities.

BU council honors success partners for their role in supporting the University’s hospitals

BU council honors success partners for their role in supporting the University’s hospitals

Prof.Dr. Gamal Sosa, BU president asserts that the University is keen to support the University hospitals for being a part of the community so as to be able to provide a high-quality service to the people of Qulubia governorate and the nearby governorates. This is done in the presence of Prof.Dr. Gamal Sosa, BU president as he honors Eng. Ibrahim EL-Arabi, the company’s chairman of the board, Prof.Dr. Hani EL-Gamal, the dean of the healthcare applied technological sciences in EL-Minofya University, Chancellor. Mohamed EL-Gamal, the parliament member and the head of EL-Tewfik charity organization, the PM. Medhat EL-Kamar, the parliament member in Qulubia governorate.

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