The Faculty seeks to be a source of progress and excellence in the field of physical education and sports by raising the scientific and research level, and to occupy a distinguished position in the educational...


The Faculty seeks to Prepare a qualified scientific cadres that have the ability to cope with the needs and requirements of the labor market by keeping pace with modern scientific and technological...


The Faculty of Physical Education seeks to prepare specialists in the field of physical education to work in various community institutions in one of the following fields: School sports...


El Gizawy announces Results of Citations Rewards, January 2022

El Gizawy announces Results of Citations Rewards, January 2022

Prof. Dr. Nasser El Gizawy, Prof.Dr.Nasser El Gizawy, Benha University Vice-president for Post Graduate Studies and Scientific Research announced that the Technical Committee for examining the scientific production at Benha University announced the results of International Publication and Citations Rewards, January 2022 under auspices of Prof.Dr.Gamal Sosa , Benha University President .
Prof.Dr.Nasser El Gizawy also added that International Publication and Citations Rewards, January 2022 comes within the framework of improving the output of scientific research at the University and encouraging the faculty members staff to publish their research in international scientific journals. El Gizawy also mentioned that the total number of submitted Scientific papers are (504) and they were distributed among 10 Faculties: Commerce, Specific Education, Computers and Artificial Intelligence, Agriculture, Medicine, Veterinary Medicine, Science, Applied Arts, , Shubra Engineering and Benha Engineering with a rate of 33.7% of the total submitted research and an increase of 6% over the result of the July 2021 session, which indicates the quality of the University's scientific research outputs, in addition to (145) Q2 research, and (83) Q3 research, and ( 28) Q4 search. He also added the door for grievances will be opened for a week from the date of publishing the results, you can visit the following link;
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Benha University President attends the Graduation Ceremony for Faculty of Medicine Students' Batch 34

Benha University President attends the Graduation Ceremony for Faculty of Medicine Students' Batch 34

Prof.Dr.Gamal Sosa, Benha University President witnessed the Graduation Ceremony for Faculty of Medicine Students' Batch 34.
The Graduation Ceremony was held in presence of Prof. Tamer Samir, Benha University Vice-President for Education and Students ' Affairs, Dr.Mohamed El Ashhab, Faculty of Medicine dean, Faculty of Medicine deputies ', the former deans, the head of Physicians at Physician Syndicate, Faculty Members' staff and students .During the ceremony, Dr. Gamal Sosa stressed that the political leadership pays great importance to the medical staff and the effort they have made during Corona virus pandemic, which gives a wonderful example of sacrifice and redemption of Egypt's white army of Physicians and nurses. For his part, Dr.Gamal Sosa thanked all the graduated students for their great efforts and excellence that they were able to achieve during years of study. On the other hand, Dr.Mohamed Gamal El Ashhab, the Faculty of Medicine dean confirmed on developing the concept of the University's role in community service by graduating qualified doctors to compete in the labor market, as well as developing the medical service provided to patients at the University Hospitals.

Benha University organizes the First Annual Conference of Post Graduate Studies for Applied Science

Benha University organizes the First Annual Conference of Post Graduate Studies for Applied Science

The Board of Directors of Benha Journal of Applied Sciences announced that the First Annual Conference of Post Graduate Studies for Applied Science is going to be held in the period from 7-8 of May, 2022.
The conference is going to be held under auspices of Prof.Dr.Gamal Sosa, Benha University President and Prof.Dr.Nasser El Gizawy, Benha University Vice-president for Post Graduate Studies and Scientific Research. For his part, Prof.Dr.Nasser El Gizawy mentioned that the Conference is going to discuss four axes: Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences, Engineering and Technology Sciences, Clinical and Health Medical Sciences and Basic Sciences. He also added that El-Gizawy pointed out that the Conference aims to build the capacities of young researchers and graduate students in order to achieve the University's vision, mission, strategic objectives and Egypt's Vision 2030. For more details about the Conference and its fees , you can check the following link;

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