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Dean's Word

Prof. Dr. Osama Salah Fouad

My dear students at Faculty of Physical Education, Benha University, I seize the opportunity of the new academic year to congratulate you and I also commend your choice of the profession of physical education to be the future athletes who bear the responsibility of advancing the country. You are the descendants of the pyramid builders and great civilizations .You are required to follow the path to set our beloved Egypt to the fore among the nations of modern civilizations. I wish you honorable excellence at the University level, as you did in high school. First, you moved from a stage that was characterized by control, supervision and direction in the home and school in one way or another, to the stage in which you have a greater area of freedom . This freedom must be accompanied by a greater sense of responsibility on your part, in order to achieve the development of your creativity and innovation, and not be a path to defect or loss. My dear students , you should know that the role of the University stage isn’t r indoctrinate you available information as  information is constantly changing, but the role of the University is to provide you with the skills to search for information and adapt it to benefit from it. Our role at the University is to provide you with the ability, skills and thought necessary to acquire knowledge throughout your extended and successful working life, God willing.

I assure you that the opportunity is available for you to benefit from these transformations  and you should know that Faculty of Physical Education is rich and proud of professors who not only represent the elite faculty members in Egypt, but also in the Middle East and at the level of the world as well . Your Faculty Members are very qualified who have given Egypt and the Arab world a lot in the fields of sports, and it is important to benefit from their knowledge and long experience where the path to success begins with your interaction with the professor in the lectures and engaging in training, as well as continuous knowledge of the latest technologies at computer sciences. I also assure you that we are all working to prepare qualified alumni for labor market, each in his field of specialization, for the benefit of him, his family and his country.

My dear children, the first year at the Faculty is very important for you as it gives you the opportunity to learn about basic sciences and various sports departments, so that each of you can choose later what suits your inclinations and abilities. My dear students, I encourage you to benefit from every available opportunity to know more about the different specialties and to benefit from the lectures and seminars that help you determine your specialty and succeed in it. We realize the importance role of youth at the society so, we are keen to provide young people with what is necessary to build a balanced personality that works on increasing sports sciences and seeks to participate in other various activities. Therefore, I invite you to get acquainted with the various activities in the Faculty to choose what suits you. I also cannot forget to invite you to put your feet on the first path of correct positive social practice through your participation in choosing your representatives in the Student Union as a first practical training in the practice of democracy that our society has chosen as its path. I also remind you that many professors and graduates of this prestigious Faculty have occupied leadership positions in all fields (scientific, political, social and they were keen to join hands to advance Egypt with steady steps in the path of progress and development, and one day your role will come to get leadership in society, so prepare for that day. My dear students, I pray for Allah to crown your efforts with success and to make your study at the faculty fruitful, successful, and filled with happy memories.

Prof.Dr.Osama Salah Fouad

Dean of the Faculty of Physical Education, Benha University